Course curriculum

  • 1

    Orientation to the BTI Learning Platform

    • Introduction

    • Information: 12 Principles

    • 12 Principles for Families of Adolescents

    • Transformation: 7 Steps

    • Support: Group Coaching, Meditation, and Journaling

    • Limits, Leverage, and Boundaries

    • Weekly Call List

    • Quick Start

    • Closing

  • 2

    For FAMILIES: Overview of the Information Portion of the BALM. Welcome to the Daily BALM!

    • Welcome to the BALM Family Recovery Program

    • The Rhythm of the Information Section of the BALM Family Recovery Education Program

    • BALM Overview

    • The BALM - How It Works and Why

    • Zoom Live Calls and Weekly Call Lists

    • Copy of 4 Ways to Get Started in the BALM One Year Program - Find the way that works for you

  • 3

    Information - The 12 Principles - Introduction

    • Welcome to the balm comprehensive - Intro powerpoint_updated.pdf

    • Introduction to and Summary of the 12 Principles

    • How Principle 1 and the 12 Principles Can Help You Blaze the Trail to Recovery in Your Home - Lisa Costa interviews Bev Buncher

    • The Origins of the BALM Program

    • Fast Track to Family Recovery Workbook - Download and Print out this workbook for Principles 1-12

    • Background Information on the BALM

    • The Key to Family Recovery: Information, Transformation, Support

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    Principle 1 - Lesson and Links

    • Principle 1 Course Materials

    • BALM 12 Principles Lesson - Principle 1 (FULL VIDEO)

    • Why The Family?

    • The Seven C's

    • Q and A - Love and Enabling

    • The Best Prevention is Early Intervention

    • Leverage

    • What About Treatment?

    • After Treatment

    • Tip #1 Drop Expectations

    • Can You Relate To This One?

    • Tip #2 Focus Yourself

    • Do's and Do'nt's

    • Tip #3 Be A Loving Mirror

    • BALM Parents Share

    • More Testimonials

    • How To Bring Peace Into Your Life

    • Tip #4 Set Bounderies

    • Tip #5 Get Support

    • 5 Tips Before During and After Treatment

    • Your Loved One's Early Recovery

    • Your Early Recovery and Beyond

    • The Rose

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    Principle 1 - Interviews

    • How addiction hijacks the brain - John Meredith

    • First 90 Days: Risk of relapse, importance of structure and boundaries, post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS), relating to your using loved one - Alan Buncher

    • Explanation of different levels/kinds of recovery residence, how to choose a recovery environment - Rick Riccardi

    • Triangulation, manipulation, alignment of family and treatment center, leverage, importance of not leaving treatment early - Eric Bricker

    • Belief around safety and security from the perspective of both family and loved one, self-regulation, overcoming limiting beliefs - Lion Goodman

    • Using contracts, how positive energy affects environment, allowing natural consequences, helping vs. enabling - Rebecca Smith

    • The importance of having a long-term plan for both the family and the loved one; have processes in place in the event of relapse - Tim Harrington

    • Mom and son, early recovery, loving/firm environment, boundary setting; letting go of control; working your own recovery as a family member as a model for your loved one - Susan & Darren (Mom/Son)

    • The effect of parental boundaries; the importance of surrounding yourself with a healthy peer group - Chris Costa

    • How to Help Your Loved One Have a Successful Treatment Experience - Beverly Buncher Discussion

    • New ways to think and act as a family member in recovery, power of educating yourself - Beverly Buncher

    • A mom’s experience with resistance, denial and enabling; responsibility of the family vs. the loved one, working with the treatment center to encourage recovery - Lisa Costa

    • Power of BALM and importance of principle 1, helping vs. enabling; sit down, shut up, smile - Beverly Buncher

    • Deep dive into the 7 C’s

    • Chronic relapse, the power / impact of the family role; the family’s fixation on the addiction - Hai Nguyen

    • How support systems and improved communication can improve/change the outcome for families - Samantha Wakach

    • The power of staying in the present moment; when family members focus on their own recovery it becomes a collective effort to give the loved one their best chance; identifying our own deficiency story - Scott Kiloby

    • The power of connection - helping a Loved One see themselves separately from the addiction; dropping expectations; letting go of the belief that we know better than our Loved One; the impact of connection for both the family and the Loved One - Jen Fisher

    • The positive effects of practicing the BALM with both your loved one and other family members - Tracy Ward

    • How to Help Your Loved One Have a Successful Treatment Experience - Beverly Buncher

    • Body Based Stress Management / Sensory Based Modulation - Dr. Stormy Hill

    • Recommended path through the BALM (the importance of learning the 7 steps, the value of having a coach, using the FAST Track Workbook, first steps to getting calm) - Jen Fisher

    • The Family Recovery Conference - Beverly Buncher, Shelly Young, Pam Lanhart

    • The intersection of learning disorders and use disorders - Susie Dooley

    • Workshop: What are you contributing to - addiction or recovery? - Beverly Buncher

    • A mom and son share their recovery journey and the impact of the BALM Program - interview with Teresa and James Bagnall

    • Principle 1 - Daily BALM - Nov 13 2019 - James and Renee Morris - 2 parents discuss how to use the balm in a therapy session and how they used and use BALM and their BALM coach to help their son with his recovery

    • Principle 1 - Daily BALM - Michael De Leon - Mar 11 2020 - latest talk on marijuana research and how new forms of THC can lead to psychotic episodes

    • Principle 1 - Daily BALM - Michael Leggiero - Jun 17 2020 - person in long term recovery who is an addiction professional discusses the parent's role, importance of finding a quality sober living, ways to help your loved one make the decision to enter tre

    • Principle 1 - Daily BALM - Molly Ashcroft - Sep 16 2020 - Detox Director shares her own recovery story as well as information on the value of detox and how that part of the treatment process works

    • Principle 1 - Daily BALM - Lisa Costa - Jan 6 2021 - Mental health and Principle One - Lisa shares her own family's story

    • Principle 1 - Daily BALM - Lane Rust - Apr 21 2021 - Call Description: Chronic Relapse, Trauma, and longterm recovery.

    • Principle1 -Daily BALM - Darlene Dahlquist - Jul 21 2021 - A mother & a grandmother dealing w/ SUD & mental health disorder w/in her family. Communication, transformation, connection, choice, family’s role, support, advocacy, SUD, mental health, recovery

    • Principle 1 - Daily BALM - Colette Emmons - Oct 20 2021_re-edit

    • Principle 1 - Daily BALM - Stacy Hall - Feb 9 2022 - How the BALM changed this mom's relationship with her son through love and support.

    • Principle 1 - Daily BALM - Michael DeForbes and Lisa McDonald - May 25 2022 - Upcoming programs; 7 steps to balm for individuals; Advanced Recovery Life Coach Training

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Shelly Tunnell - Principle 1 - Jan 4 2023 - BALM Coach shares Principle 1 experience with adult and teenage children. Extended family. Power of one. Family relationships.

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Lori Bolen - Principle 1 - Mar 29 2023 - Bev and Lori had a conversation on How to Help Your Loved One Have a Successful Treatment Experience. Lori shared her understanding of advocating for recovery, HIPAA, partnering with

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Melisa Simmons - Dr. Robert Ashford - Principle 1 - Jun 21 2023 - Recovery Community Organizations. Family recovery story. family's role. always contributing

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Houston Spore - Principle 1 - Sep 13 2023 - Recovery story, narcan, community recovery, impact on family, family’s role

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Tanya Gioia - Principle 1 - Dec 6 2023 - SUD, Domestic Violence, Anger, Out of Control, Recovery, 12 Steps, Self Care, Deep Inner Work We can recover from SUD with domestic violence and keep the family together

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Michael DeForbes - Principle 1 - Aug 14 2024 - Deepen your peace with an attitudinal shift

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    Principle 2 - Lesson and Links

    • Principle 2 Course Materials

    • BALM 12 Principles Lesson - Principle 2 (FULL VIDEO)

    • Why do we call BALM the Loving Path

    • What’s Love Got to Do with It

    • Walking the Loving Path

    • Moving from Touch Love to the Loving Path

    • Important to Know about How Change Happens

    • Stages of Change for Families

    • Stage 1 - Precontemplation

    • Resistance to Change is Very Human

    • Survey What’s It Life for You

    • Summary of Precontemplation

    • Stage 2 - Contemplation

    • Stage 3 - Preparation

    • Stage 4 - Action

    • Stage 5 - Maintenance

    • Stage 6 - Recycling or Termination

    • How to Help Your Loved One Change through MI

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    Principle 2 - Interviews

    • Discussion on the Stages of Change - Beverly Buncher & Michael DeForbes

    • Demonstration with participant on Stages of change/ Motivation Interview

    • Motivational Interviewing – What it is! - Michael DeForbes

    • Medication assisted treatment: How dopamine levels affect the brain - Ivan Wolfson

    • Understand Change in a Loved One and in You - Alida Schuyler

    • Principle 2 - Fred H - Individual in long term alcohol use disorder recovery shares his story

    • Season of Joy and Stress: Looking at your loved one through loving eyes and being able to respect and love them - Beverly Buncher

    • Changes Happens in Stages in ourselves and our loved ones - Beverly Buncher

    • Motivational Interviewing: How to Help a Loved One - Michael DeForbes

    • How families can use Motivational Interviewing - Eric Bricker

    • Stages of Change and How to Use Them - Dr. Musser

    • How seeing addiction in others can hold a mirror to our own behavior - Jill Prevas

    • Review of the stages of change and behaviors moving toward/through recovery - Barry Rafanelli

    • Stages of Change & Motivational Interviewing: building the relationship rather than single focus on the recovery - Michael DeForbes

    • A Scientific & Holistic Approach to Recovery: An overview of how physical and chemical issues in the body affect the brain - John Giordano

    • Discussion: How Change Happens in a Family

    • Stages of Change from the team who developed it - James and Janice Prochaska

    • Detoxing from high levels of methadone, power of family connection, long term treatment, and boundary setting - Shannon M.

    • Basic guide to Motivational Interviewing (express empathy, develop discrepancy; role with resistance; support self-efficacy) - Michael DeForbes

    • Principle 2 (11/7/18) - Ash Vardanyan

    • Coaches Share on Stages of Change - Beverly Buncher

    • Families Share on Stages of Change - Beverly Buncher

    • Principle 2 (5/9/2019) - Michael DeForbes - Conversation on Stages of Change and Motivation Interviewing

    • Grief Recovery - How it works - Eric Bricker

    • Principle 2 (11/20/19) - Beverly Buncher

    • Principle 2 - Daily BALM - Michael DeForbes and Marissa Arber - Mar 18 2020 - Discussion on Stages of Change and 7 Steps to BALM

    • Principle 2 - Daily BALM - John Edmonson - Jun 24 2020 - Boundary setting with Love

    • Principle 2 - Daily BALM - Lisa Costa - Sep 23 2020

    • Principle 2 - Daily BALM - Pam Pietruszewski - Jan 13 2021 - Motivational Interviewing in a crisis situation with a client with MH and SUD issues

    • Principle 2 - Daily BALM - Tony LaGreca- Apr 28 2021 - Recovery Advocate shares his work with Fed Up, Overdose Prevention, Safe Consumption Sites, Efforts to Hold the Sacklers Accountable, Grief Facilitation.

    • Principle 2 - Daily BALM - Jackie Stein - Jul 28 2021 - BALM Coach and family member Jackie Stein. Using Stages of Change and Motivational Interviewing to raise a loved one's bottom and in her personal recovery.

    • Principle 2 - Daily BALM - Zoi Andalcio - Oct 27 2021 - Integrated Dual Diagnosis Treatment. Program of Assertive Community Treatment, altered realities, importance of language

    • Principle 2 - Daily BALM - Samantha Millette and Coleen Curran - Feb 16 2022 - Eating disorder education, support, & recovery, stages of change, family support, dual diagnosis, co-occurring disorders, multiple therapy models

    • Principle 2 - Daily BALM - Tana Russell - Jun 8 2022 - Tana Russell - expert on gambling addiction and recovery discusses: stages of change, family's role, impact on family, recovery is possible

    • Principle 2 - Daily BALM - Kelly Canzone - Sept 14 2022

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Michael DeForbes - Principle 2 - Jan 11 2023 - Conversation about New Motivational Interviewing and Stages of Change Guide. Mike and Bev share knowledge of how MI and Stages of Change relate to BALM

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Brian Wall - Principle 2 - Jun 28 2023 - Mike DeForbes interviews specialist Brian Wall. They discuss his work with families affected by addiction and Principle 2: Change Happens in Stages, and how it applies to family reco

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Dr. Pamela Tambini - Principle 2 - Mar 6 2024

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Jeff Spikes - Principle 2 - Aug 21 2024 - You are not your strategies!! A look at what is under your loved one’s behavior and your own

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    Principle 3 - Lesson and Links

    • Principle 3 Course Materials

    • BALM 12 Principles Lesson - Principle 3 - (FULL VIDEO)

    • Calm is Power

    • Flooding

    • The Power of the Breath

    • What is Mindfulness?

    • Ways to Practice Mindfulness

    • The Practice of Mindfulness Meditation

    • 4-4-8

    • Breathe Through Each Moment

    • Focus on the Task at Hand

    • Be in the Moment

    • Three A's and Menu of Options

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    Principle 3 - Interviews

    • “Hold On To Your Kids” - How the attachment to peers rather than parents relates to SUD - Andrea Neiers

    • Looking at denial from the loved one’s perspective - Alex C.

    • 27 Year Old Woman in Recovery Shares about Her Treatment Experience and How Her Parents Took Custody of Her Children in the Darkest Days of Her Addiction - Natasha

    • Learning about spirituality and co-dependency during recovery - Jackie

    • Importance of self-acceptance and self- care: effectively handle stressful situations - Rebecca Quave

    • University Based Treatment Model: Discussion about the first substance abuse treatment center on a college campus in the United States - Andrew Burki

    • Mindfulness and the Family's Role: Importance of long term planning - Beverly Buncher & Tim Harrington

    • 11 Minute Meditation on the Breath with Beverly Buncher

    • Breath Work: Letting go of control and results while leaving yourself open to receiving love and support - Michael Kass

    • How Grieving Can Affect Family Recovery Even When Your Loved One is Alive - Maryann Williams

    • Addictions Counselor/BALM Wife Shares How Principle Three Helped Her When Her Spouse Relapsed - Tara McBride

    • “Should Your Loved One Stay or Should They Go?” When and How Does a Family Member Make This Decision?

    • “It Is Important to Let Go Without Giving Up or Giving In” - A review of the Fast Track workbook pages for Principle 3

    • A Mom/BALM Coach Shares Her Story of How the BALM Has Transformed Her Relationship with Her Son - Tracy Ward

    • Medically Assisted Treatment to stem the tide of the opioid epidemic - Ginny Atwood Lovitt

    • Under the Iceberg - Letting Go When It Comes to Having a Loved One with a Substance Use Disorder

    • Parents that suffered from Addiction: Letting go of the disease and seeing your loved one as a whole person - Joye Madden

    • The benefits of Neurofeedback - Dr. Jonathan Harris

    • How the BALM's Transformative Process Came to Be and How It Works

    • A Presence Meditation and discussion on the 3rd principle (The Velcro technique; the Boomerang theory; Natural Advanced Mindfulness) - Juliane Eanniello

    • How the BALM took her recovery to a deeper level with tools & strategies - Lisa McDonald

    • The brain science behind responding vs reacting: A deep dive into our limbic system as related to our triggers and fears - Kim Moore

    • Principle 3 (5/22/19) - Eric Bricker - Grief Recovery - Letting go of the dream - Part 1

    • Principle 3 (5/29/19) - Eric Bricker - Grief Recovery - Letting go of the dream - Part 2

    • Positive Psychology - Debbie Farr

    • The Power of Letting Go Without Giving Up or Giving in during the holiday season - Bev and Michael

    • Principle 3 - Daily BALM - Lori Bolen - Mar 25 2020 - Mom of person in recovery from meth addiction shares her BALM journey of letting go without giving up or giving in

    • Principle 3 - Daily BALM - Hunter Glaum - Jul 1 2020 - Letting Go without giving up or giving in - Hunter's perspective

    • Principle 3 - Daily BALM - Sandy Swenson - Oct 7 2020 - Author and Mom of person in long term addiction shares her perspective on letting go

    • Principle 3 - Daily BALM - Kathy Wrenn, Robert Wrenn, Tucker Wrenn - Jan 27 2021 - Wrenn family shares their recovery story - including loved one

    • Principle 3 - Daily BALM - Bonnie Kay- May 5 2021 - balm wife shares her journey to relationship healing . alcohol use disorder - letting go of obsession - being her husband's best chance

    • Principle 3 - Daily BALM - Bev Buncher - Aug 4 2021 - Lesson on principle 3 breaks down the parts of the principle with opportunity to apply them to your own situation. See course 3 materials folder for handout.

    • Principle 3 - Daily BALM - Dr. David Greenfield - Nov 3 2021 - Internet Addiction. how family can help. value of treatment. how the brain works in addiction

    • Principle 3 - Daily BALM - Maria Campobasso - Mar 2 2022 - letting go without giving up or giving in, boundary setting, loving approach, family recovery journey, loving approach to treatment, relapse and the family, relationship with struggling loved one

    • Principle 3 - Daily BALM - Alan Buncher - Jun 15 2022 - Parenting an adolescent who is using.Signs and symptoms. How to let go of obsessing about outcomes w adolescents. Letting go of how things "should be going”.Focus on things you can change.Be a bold a

    • Principle 3 - Daily BALM - Paul Gardner - Sept 21 2022

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Karen Bernetti- Principle 3 - Jul 5 2023 - Mindful Family Recovery. Yoga.

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Kathy Wrenn - Principle 3 - Jun 5 2024

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    Principle 4 - Lesson and Links

    • Principle 4 Course Materials

    • BALM 12 Principles Lesson - Principle 4

    • What We Know So Far About How to Help

    • Here's More On How to Help

    • Be The Peace - Seven Steps Information

    • Enabling Versus Helping

    • Importance of Self-Care

    • The BALM Way To Be Their Best Chance

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    Principle 4 - Interviews

    • How He Does Intervention and Family’s Role in Process - Jacob Jansen

    • “TED” - The Empowerment Dynamic: seeing yourself as a CREATOR, CHALLENGER and COACH rather than a RESCUER, PERSECUTOR and VICTIM - Donna Zajonc

    • Therapist for Young Adult Men & Family’s Role: importance of a family member staying consistently involved - Kevin Schmidt

    • 38 years-story of multi-generational addiction - Anthony Eldridge-Rogers

    • Principle 4 - Elatia Abate - The Hero's Journey

    • Denial, Enabling, and Acceptance: Getting out of denial and into awareness with regard to her son’s heroin addiction - Leslie

    • Motivational Interviewing: help a loved one move forward in their recovery - Michael DeForbes

    • Gambling & Internet/Gaming Addiction; brain similarities between different kinds of addiction - Dan Trolaro

    • How Families Can Be Their Best Chance - A Sober Living Program Director Shares His 27 Year Recovery and Professional Experience - David Dunkel

    • Helping Families Make Difficult Decisions - Frank Morales

    • Life as a child of an alcoholic: How the enabling from parents can slow down recovery of adult children - Donny Sutton-Brown

    • Recovery from Marijuana and Alcohol - Chana Colley

    • Becoming the best chance to son with use disorder - Colleen Bertolino

    • A deep look at the history and current statistics of use disorder - Tony LaGreca

    • Recovery from Food Addiction: identifying triggers and having a plan that supports recovery - Kathy Stone

    • Getting involved in Fighting the Opioid Crisis: Being an advocate for changing the laws to support the healthy use of pharmaceuticals - Janet Colbert

    • Principle 4 (8/8/18) - Michael DeLeon - Marijuana - the research

    • How to Be Your Loved One's Best Chance - from a Retired Treatment CEO in Longterm Recovery - Alan Buncher

    • How Reducing Your Trauma Triggers with the BALM and through other Modalities Can Help You Be Your Loved One's Best Chance - Eric Bricker

    • Principle 4 (6/5/19) - Lori Skoumal Reeves - Art in Family Recovery

    • Sustaining Your BALM Practice Over the Years through the Ups and Downs of Your Loved One's Recovery: A BALM Mom Shares - Marissa Arber

    • All About Flooding - An Interview with Andra Medea - Author of Conflict Unravelled: Problem Solving at Home at Work

    • How to Be Your Loved One's Best Chance During the Holiday Season - Marissa Arber and Carolena Herz

    • Principle 4 - Daily BALM - Deb Lewin - Apr 1 2020 - Mom of person in long term recovery shares the loving approach that led her to BALM

    • Principle 4 - Daily BALM - Hunter Glaum - Jul 8 2020 - Different perspectives on how to be your loved one's best chance

    • Principle 4 - Daily BALM - Melissa Engle - Oct 14 2020 - Trauma - how it happens, how to heal it. An expert weighs in

    • Principle 4 - Daily BALM - Eric Bricker - Feb 3 2021 - Mental health diagnosis and labeling, importance of short term diagnosis, limitations of diagnoses

    • Principle 4 - Daily BALM - Janie Gullickson- May 12 2021 - Decriminalization of all substances for personal use in Oregon. Mental Health and Addiction Peer Support. Sobering Center.

    • Principle 4 - Daily BALM - Atty. Richard Casey - Aug 11 2021

    • Principle 4 - Daily BALM - Alan Buncher - Nov 10 2021 - Family Recovery 101 - denial - enabling - loving communication - working with the treatment center - boundary setting - trauma - why have a balm coach - creating a care team

    • Principle 4 - Daily BALM - Maria Campobasso - Mar 9 2022 - maria campobasso principle 4 - assessments, hippa, successful treatment experience, resistance to treatment, advocacy, purpose of assessment, why get an assessment, assessment process

    • Principle 4 - Daily BALM - Eric McLaughlin - Jun 22 2022

    • Principle 4 - Daily BALM - Lori and Megan Bolen - Oct 12 2022 - BALM Mom and BALM Daughter share their growth as BALMers and how the mom entering BALM helped the daughter eventually get into recovery and restored their relationship. Amazing story of hope

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Maria Campobasso - Principle 4 - Jan 25 2023 - Contribute to illness or wellness, Connection. Hope, Boundaries, Rebuilding relationships

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Greg - Dana and Matt Mitchell - Principle 4 - Apr 19 2023 - BALM family (mom, dad, recovering son) share their experiences Of recovery and how working the balm transformed their family. Boundary setting. Principle 4. Enabli

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Jordana Bernstein - Principle 4 - Jul 12 2023 - Jordana Bernstein- be your loved one's best chance. denial. awareness. enabling. helping. leverage. boundaries. balm conversations. motivational interviewing. minor. high schoo

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Lisa Costa - Principle 4 - Oct 4 2023 - The Defense Mechanism of Denial; how and why denial happens and how the BALM can help you overcome it

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    Principle 5 - Lesson and Links

    • Princple 5 Course Materials

    • BALM 12 Principles Lesson - Principle 5

    • What Is Self-care?

    • Gratitude Habit

    • Quality of Life: What Do You Enjoy?

    • Compulsions Continuum

    • The Family's Role

    • Addiction Switching, The 3 A's, Homework

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    Principle 5 - Interviews

    • A Deeper Look at Self Care - for the Person Advanced in Their Recovery - Hunter Glaum

    • Helping Yourself and Your Loved One to Heal Quickly - Peggy Huddleston, Author of Heal Faster from Surgery

    • Relaxation Meditation - Peggy Huddleston

    • Importance of a Meditation Practice - Alex Mill

    • Sample Exercise Meditation on Feelings - Alex Mill

    • The Importance of Focusing on Yourself - finding your way to peace and mirroring it to your family - Michael de Forbes

    • The experience of living substance-free even when you do not suffer from Substance Use Disorder - Miriam Maima

    • 24 years recovery story: Looking at the family system and identifying each member’s role - Tracy D

    • Self Care and Putting the Focus on Ourselves - Beverly Buncher

    • The Importance of Self Care When You Have a Loved One with Opioid Addiction - A BALM Mom Shares - Tracy Ward

    • An Evening of Journaling: Gaining self-awareness through journaling - Mark Scannell

    • CEO Bridge to Recovery - Keeping Your Focus on Yourself and Off of Your Loved One Will Help You Both - Paul Hamblin

    • Self-Care in Journey to Recovery: Working on your ESP-Emotional, Spiritual, Physical well-being - Betty Kreder

    • Emotional Intelligence (EQ) - Being aware of your own emotions and those of others - Fern Weis

    • Helping Families Fully Understand the Importance of Facing the Life and Death Nature of a Loved One's Malady and Why and How to Help Them Let Go of Obsession as Part of Their Self Care Journey - Kay Vogt

    • Discussion of Self Care - Workbook Activities, Getting Below the Iceberg, Moving Forward in Your Own Recovery - Jeff Spikes

    • Being the Mother of an Adult Son with Use Disorder- Seeking your own recovery as a family member - Colleen Bertolino

    • SAM: Smart Approaches to Marijuana - discussion of the effects of marijuana use - Luke Niforatos

    • Self-Care Transformation - From unconsciousness to choice, forming a daily practice - Joanne Richards

    • Pointing to Your True North - The BALM Self Care Journey for a person in long term 12 Step Recovery - Lisa McDonald

    • The role of Self-Care in family recovery - Pam Lanhart

    • The Real Difference Self Care Makes when sharing life with struggling loved ones - a BALM mom - Leslie Harris

    • Principle 5 (2/20/19) - Celeste Mendelsohn & Andrea Young - Yoga to Heal Trauma. Yoga in Recovery.

    • Principle 5 (6/12/19) - Amanda Valantine - Pastor/Wife/BALM Coach shares her family recovery story

    • Principle 5 (9/11/19) - Sandy Swenson - Author/mom shares her self care perspective as she moves through a son's longterm addiction

    • The Importance of Your Self Care During the Holiday Season - for your and your loved one's benefit - Jackie Stein

    • Principle 5 - Daily BALM - Barb Klein - Jul 15 2020 - Mom/poet shares her poetry and perspective with other parents

    • Principle 5 - Daily BALM - Kathleen Cochran - Oct 21 2020 - Mom of struggling daughter shares her perspective on self care

    • Principle 5 - Daily BALM - Jackie Stein- Feb 10 2021 - Self Care During Covid

    • Principle 5 - Daily BALM - Katryn Cross - May 19 2021 - Certified Trauma Professional shares her expertise. Discusses modalities including EMDR, Trauma Egg, Psychodrama, Experiential Healing

    • Principle 5 - Daily BALM - Don Lipstein - Aug 18 2021 - Growing through Grief. Coach Training. Self Care Tips

    • Principle 5 - Daily BALM - Mike Giresi and Vanina Hochman- Nov 17 2021 - Developmental Trauma. Complex Trauma. Adolescent Treatment. Difference between treatment for adults and treatment for boys

    • Principle 5 - Daily BALM - Leslie - Mar 16 2022 - Self Care Longterm, Helping not Enabling, BALM tools for life

    • Principle 5 - Daily BALM - Kathy Wrenn - Jun 29 2022 - adolescent sud - risk factors - protective factors - parenting teens and young adults - mirroring activity - parenting a 13 year old vs a 19 year old

    • Principle 5 - Daily BALM - Jessica Yaffa - Oct 19 2022 - A thought leader in the field of domestic violence. Sharing her own experience and expertise on the continuum of domestic violence, the intersection of SUD and domestic violence and a way out and th

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Donna Wolfe, Christian Santilli, James Garofalo, Adam Bertolino - Principle 5 - Feb 1 2023 - Inhouse Vocational Coach Donna Wolfe brought three of her clients to share how the work she does with them is helping them to devel

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Jill Prevas - Principle 5 - Apr 26 2023 - Alcohol Awareness Month. Alcohol Recovery Story. Emotional Sobriety.

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Kelly Doetsch - Principle 5 - Jul 19 2023

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Jill Prevas and Robin Predny - Principle 5 - Jan 3 2024

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    Principle 6 - Lesson and Links

    • Princple 6 Course Materials

    • BALM 12 Principles Lesson - Principle 6

    • What Does It Mean To Be A Loving Person?

    • Let's Look At Acceptance

    • Tips To Help You

    • But What About Trust?

    • Now Let's Talk About Shame

    • Change Yourself

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    Principle 6 - Interviews

    • Principle 6 PowerPoint Presentation (6/4/2018)

    • Social Styles - understand & communicate with family members - Jean Grosman

    • Bad Mood Shifter - accepting the reality of the situation is a precursor to peace - Leslie Sann

    • The Research on Addiction and the Family's Role - Interview with Dr. John Kelly, author, Addiction Recovery Management: Theory, Research and Practice

    • Love-based Parenting - Deborah Chellette MSW and Research shares the BALM through the research on the role of love in healing - Deborah Chellette-Wilson

    • DBT and Harm Reduction - Interview with Trauma Therapist Dr. James Campbell

    • Guided Breath Exercise with Dr. James Campbell

    • Donald Blackwell, Author of Letters to Ashley, shares his journey as the dad of a daughter with an eating disorder

    • How the Loving Approach Works with All Relationships - A BALM Daughter shares how she applied what her relationship with her atypical son taught her to her relationship with her parents' struggling with Alcohol Use Disorder - Melissa Ford

    • Having 2 Sons Struggling with Addiction - how getting educated helped recognize an enabling environment - Steven P.

    • Willing to Go to Any Length: A Person in Long Term Recovery Shares His Journey - Paul Tussein

    • Harm Reduction - discussion across different types of addiction - Michael DeForbes

    • Discussion: How to Be Loving and Acceptance - Beverly Buncher

    • Discussion: How to Be a Loving Mirror with 5 min breath meditation - Beverly Buncher

    • Discussion: How to Be a Loving Mirror-Workbook pages and demos - Beverly Buncher

    • Keeping Love the Main Thing - Jill Prevas

    • Discussion: What it means to be loving - ways the BALM has helped to be more loving in their home

    • Dealing with a Loved One's Mental illness During the Third Act of Your Life - Fruma Rosenberg

    • PowerPoint Lesson (6/5/17)

    • Journey to becoming a more Loving Father and Husband - Chris Prevas

    • Discussion: Family Members Share How they Apply Principle 6 in Their Relationships at Home

    • BALM Mom Shares How the BALM Approach to Love Helped Her Reach Her Son and Improve Her Relationships with Both of Her Adult Children - Stacy Karchner

    • Families on the Fast Track to Recovery - Strengthening your ability to say “NO” - Lisa Costa

    • The Origins of Principle 6 - an Interview with Bev Buncher, creator of the BALM Programs - Jeff Spikes

    • Effective and Loving Intervention - Chris Kling

    • Prevention and Activism - Randy Anderson

    • The BALM Path to Learning to Love and Live in the Present when Living with an Opioid Addicted Loved One - whether they are in Recovery or not - Marissa Arber

    • How to be a supportive sibling - Ginny Atwood

    • How LOVE impacted role in son’s recovery: the loving response-what would love do? - Shelly Young

    • Principle 6: Special Event - Interview on Harm Reduction (2/18/2019) - Alida Schuyler

    • The Evolution of the Seven Steps to Be A Loving Mirror - How Families Grow Into BALMing and Pitfalls Along the Way - Michael DeForbes

    • Principle 6 (6/19/19) - Sherry Burkhard

    • Principle 6 (9/18/19) - Tom Burruel - Interventionist specializing in working with those with mental health issues

    • Principle 6 (01/08/2020) - Marissa Arber, Carolena Herz - Mom and daughter share their long term BALM recovery story

    • Principle 6 - Daily BALM - AnneMarie Clear - Apr 22 2020 - BALM mom/BALM Coach/Heart Math Facilitator shares her perspective on being a loving person

    • Principle 5 and 6 - Daily BALM - John Edmonson - Jul 22 2020 - Wellness Coordinator discusses how to be loving with a struggling loved one

    • Principle 6 - Daily BALM - Pamela Lanhart - Oct 28 2020 - Mom/author shares her loving perspective of family recovery

    • Principle 6 - Daily BALM - Michael Leggerio - Feb 17 2021

    • Principle 6 - Daily BALM - Marlene Boryszewski - May 26 2021 - the power of love in family recovery. loving path. parenting. enabling vs helping. denial vs awareness. boundaries. leverage. relationships. anger. marriage. inner healing. couples.

    • Principle 6 - Daily BALM - Amy Olseth - Aug 25 2021 - Nursing Interventionist. Inner Work. Family's Role

    • Principle 6 - Daily BALM - Sheri Danielson- Dec 1 2021 - Balming a loved one into recovery

    • Principle 6 - Daily BALM - Robin Predny - Mar 23 2022 - Love is the answer. Moving into non-judgment. Value of having a coach. Coach training. Ketamine treatment.

    • Principle 6 - Daily BALM - Don Lipstein - Jul 13 2022 - His transformation and the importance of getting to a place of love during the chaos. What to do with fear and becoming a united front with his wife.

    • Principle 6 - Daily BALM - Marissa Arber - Oct 26 2022 - Work the BALM longterm; BALM in a relapse; How BALM helps; Why BALM; The loving path to longterm recovery

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Cindy Finch - Principle 6 - Feb 8 2023 - Parenting, post-trauma growth, grief work, how to love a challenging person

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Meg Fenn - Principle 6 - May 3 2023 - Boundary Setting. Being Loving. Saying No in a loving way. Being there for your loved one through the good times and the bad.

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Rebecca Quave - Principle 6 - Jul 26 2023 - Love, peace, connection. Inner practice.

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Zachary Munn and Andrea Salvia - Principle 6 - Oct 18 2023

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Cynthia Wells - Principle 6 - Apr 3 2024

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    Principle 7 - Lesson and Links

    • Princple 7 Course Materials

    • BALM 12 Principles Lesson - Principle 7

    • Intro and Main Points

    • Definitions

    • Healthy Boundaries

    • How To Set Boundaries?

    • After You Set A Boundary

  • 17

    Principle 7 - Interviews

    • EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing) - diffuse triggers at the root of the trauma - Jean Harper

    • Clinical Advice on Boundary Setting with Young People - Chris Duffy

    • How to Help People in Early Recovery Set Boundaries - Bev Barnes

    • Recovering in the early 20’s: how boundary setting was pivotal to recovery - Jesse Reuter

    • The Key to Family Recovery - Learning How to Set and Stick to Boundaries - Leslie

    • Repairing and maintaining relationships, planning for relapse - Tim Harrington

    • The Need to Heal Ourselves and Be Whole whether our Loved One is doing well or not; - Barbara Victoria, Author on Co-Addiction

    • Top 10 Survival Tips for Loving an Addict - interview with author Candace Plattor

    • Setting boundaries - need based approach to contracts; the importance of partnerships rather than dictatorships - Michael DeForbes

    • The Role of Values in Boundary Setting - Interview with MSW and author Deborah Chelette Wilson

    • Importance of Boundary Setting in Early Recovery - Lisa McDonald

    • What It Takes to Set Strong Boundaries and Why It's Essential - BALM Mom Shares Her Experience with Boundary Setting - Leslie

    • Discussion on the Principle Seven Section of the Fast Track Track Workbook

    • Setting Healthy Boundaries - how boundaries get blurred when parents try to get their needs met through their child - John Houton

    • Being a child of someone in long term recovery; finding the space to take care of yourself when there is active addiction in your home - Susan Hickerson (Willow Place)

    • Getting Support for Sex Addiction - Chris Duffy

    • What Boundaries can Do for the Loved One - A candid look at how boundary setting positively affected the course of recovery - Adrianne K.

    • A Mom and Son Share How His Mom's Boundary Setting Saved the Son's Life and Led Him to Become a BALM Coach - Nancy & Joe Thompson

    • The application of the BALM to all areas of your life; setting boundaries with love & consistency - Polly Stavrou

    • How Harm Reduction Can Save Lives - David Duffield Shares His Work Giving Out Needles to Those On the Streets

    • When Families Refuse to Set Boundaries, They Are Contributing to Their Loved One's Use Disorder - Sam Bierman

    • Principle 7 (6/26/19) - Allison Booth

    • Principle 7 (9/25/19) - Jill Curley

    • Principle 7 - Daily BALM - John Edmonson - Jan 14 2020 - Wellness Coordinator provides a boundary setting primer

    • Principle 7- Daily BALM - Faith Batt - Apr 29 2020 - Family member/balm coach shares how the BALM taught her to set boundaries in extremely challenging situation with her son

    • Principle 7 - Daily BALM - Amanda Deane - Nov 4 2020 - Wife/balm coach shares her journey of family recovery

    • Principle 7 - Daily BALM - Tyler Kolodny - Feb 24 2021

    • Principle 7 - Daily BALM - Vaughan Gilmore - Jun 2 2021 - Integrated mental health and addiction treatment. Sober living sobriety requirements. Harm reduction. Research and training. Non-profit approach to helping advance the field.

    • Principle 7 - Daily BALM - Kathy Tracy - Sep 1 2021 - Setting Boundaries, Ultimatums, Helping Families

    • Principle 7 - Daily BALM - Helene Berman - Dec 8 2021 - homeless son. love them where they are. the journey of boundary setting and self care. text wich

    • Principle 7 - Daily BALM - Fern Weis - Jul 20 2022 - Description: parents of teens, limits, leverage, boundaries, rules, Hyde School, the 4 D's, teen recovery, family contract

    • Principle 7 - Daily BALM - Sharon Poray - Nov 2 2022 - Alanon; Boundary setting; Speak softly; Inner strength of BALM family members.

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Rachel Gladstone - Principle 7 - Feb 15 2023 talks about value-base parenting, the parallel process, attunement and attachment issues, plus designing agreements

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Luke DeBoy, Jim Stewart and Tamar Fagin - Principle 7 - May 10 2023 - fentanyl awareness day - treatment professional - Harm Reduction, Love - balm coach and parent of adult child with active fentanyl use disorder

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Beth Gancarz - Principle 7 - Aug 2 2023 - Boundary setting - loving approach

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Kathy Wrenn and Beverly Buncher - Principle 7 - Oct 25 2023

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    Principle 8 - Lesson and Links

    • Princple 8 Course Materials

    • BALM 12 Principles Lesson - Principle 8

    • Intro to Support

    • Why Get Support? Why It’s important? Types of support:

    • Obstacles To Getting Support

    • You As A Family Member Have A Role to Play

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    Principle 8 - Interviews

    • Compulsive Gambling - Daniel T

    • Growth of Recovery Advocacy for Youth and Adults in Recovery - Michael Clinch

    • SMART Recovery - Another way of getting support - Ashley Phillips

    • Learn to Cope - A Support Group for Parents in Massachusetts - Joanne Peterson

    • The Importance of Getting Support - Maryanne Williams

    • A Gambler Who Lost It All and Travels the Country Sharing His Story in Exchange for His Freedom - Michael Burke

    • Working Recovery and Multiple Relapses - Rick Finkelstein

    • How Addiction in the Family Affects the Children - Karen Finkelstein

    • What Happens When Your Loved One Just Keeps Slipping? Working the BALM in the Middle of Chaos - Jackie Stein

    • A BALM Mom and Her Daughter Share their Recovery Journey - Cindee D

    • Chronic Disorganization and the Challenge of Getting Support - Gayle Gruenberg

    • Getting Support To Enhance The Struggle With SUD And Co-Occurring Disorders - Lynn Mackin

    • Facing Her Own Recovery And Role In The Family Struggle Of Addiction - Theresa Bagnall

    • How Psychodrama Can Help Family Members Heal - Beth Traynor

    • Recovery From Food Addiction - Kathy Stone

    • Discussion: The Power of Group Coaching - Jeff Spikes

    • Getting Support Through Transitions - Colleen McManus

    • Finding Support In Unexpected Places - Amanda Valantine

    • The Impact Of Getting/Having Support - Jim Graham

    • Mindful Compassion - An Interview with Author Julie Potiker

    • How Alanon and BALM Go Well Together - A BALM Mom and Coach Shares Her Story - Betty Kreder

    • Principle 8 (3/13/19) - Mark G. Astor, Audra S. - Drug and Alcohol Attorneys. Marchman Act. Baker Act. Guardianship.

    • Principle 8 - (7/3/19) - Karilyn Ivers - Family member shares her own experience of dealing with and helping her partner with his meth addiction recovery

    • A BALM Mom and Coach Shares Her Family's Story of Getting and Giving Support along with her son's recovery - Kathy Wrenn

    • Principle 8 - Daily BALM - Nicolle Perrotto - Jan 22 2020 - Acupuncture as a recovery tool

    • Principle 8 - Daily BALM - Jill Prevas - Jan 29 2020 - Why it is so important to get a coach

    • Principle 8 - Daily BALM - Jill Prevas - Jan 29 2020 - CUT version - Why it is so important to get a coach

    • Principle 8- Daily BALM - Mark Scannell - May 6 2020 - Journaling and recovery

    • Principle 8 - Daily BALM - Lori Bolen - Aug 5 2020 - How getting support made all the difference . Husband, marriage.

    • Principle 8 - Daily BALM - Chris Prevas - Nov 11 2020 - Father shares his daughter's recovery story and his own

    • Principle 8 - Daily BALM - Colleen and Leo Bertolino - Mar 3 2021

    • Principle 8 - Daily BALM - Tom Burruel - Jun 9 2021 - Intervention. Recovery Advocacy. Case Mgmt. The importance of Support. Dealing w a loved one’s anger. Using BALM w other modalities.

    • Principle 8 - Daily BALM - Sharon Slack-Slyter - Dec 15 2021

    • Principle 8 - Daily BALM - The Impact of Support on Recovery - Dr. Yvonne Kaye - Apr 6 2022

    • Principle 8 - Daily BALM - Jeff Spikes - Jul 27 2022 - Importance of giving the right kind of support; Value of BALM program with a BALM coach

    • Principle 8 - Daily BALM - Maureen Cavanagh - Nov 9 2022

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Danielle Dick, Ph.D. - Principle 8 - Feb 22 2023 -Dr. Danielle Dick - The why behind behavior and what is personalized parenting?

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Victoria LaMadeleine - Principle 8 - May 17 2023 - In-home treatment, Aware Recovery Care, Pretreatment care, Post treatment care, Partnering with treatment centers

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Casie Fariello - Principle 8 - Aug 9 2023 - OPLM - support groups for parents of children with multiple challenges

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    Principle 9 - Lesson and Links

    • Princple 9 Course Materials

    • BALM 12 Principles Lesson - Principle 9

    • Intro Slides and Definitions

    • What Can This Exploration Lead To?

    • Who or What Is Robbing You of Your Inner Peace?

    • Observe Yourself

    • How Big Is Your View of Spirituality?

    • Different Views of Addiction

    • Let's Look At Beliefs

    • Discover Your HP

    • Two-Way Prayer

    • Dialogue Journaling

    • More Options; Practice; Slogans

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    Principle 9 - Interviews

    • A Spiritual Approach To Psychological Healing - Dr. Regina

    • The Importance of a Mindfulness Practice - Gary Mahler

    • The Enhancement of 36 Years of AA Recovery through Mindfulness and Spiritual Direction - A Rabbi's Story - Shiela Weinberg

    • Healing/Discovering Your Individual - Mark S.

    • Shares Her Recovery Story - Dee Doochin

    • Discussion on The 3 Relationships - Sacred, Self, & Others - Beverly Buncher

    • Discussion on Relationship with Sacred/Spirituality - Beverly Buncher

    • Growing Up as a Christian Scientist, Becoming Sober as a Teen and Finding BALM 30 years Later - A BALM Coach Shares His Spiritual Story - Jeff Spikes

    • A BALM Coach Shares the Story of her 20 years in NA as a Christian and how the BALM Enhanced her Journey - Lisa McDonald

    • Interview with Lisa Smith Author of Girl Walks out of a Bar - A Memoir

    • A BALM Coach Shares Her Spiritual Connection and How Artistic Expression Has Enhanced the Journey - Lori Skoumal Reeves

    • A Christian BALM Coach Shares Her BALM Journey of Helping Her Daughter and Herself Find Recovery through the BALM - Lynn Mackin

    • Our Relationship with Spirit - Darrell Fusaro

    • A Pastor Who is Also a BALM Coach and BALM Wife Shares Her Spiritual Journey - Amanda Valentine

    • How the BALM has affected her Spiritual Journey - Jill Prevas

    • Two Way Prayer and Dialogue - Beverly Buncher

    • A Young Person Recovering from a Heroin Use Disorder Shares Her Story and How Her Mom's Practice of the BALM Helped Her Find Recovery - Rachel Despaquale

    • Principle 9 (7/10/19) - (Beverly Buncher)

    • Principle 9 - Daily BALM - Colleen Bertolino - Feb 5 2020

    • Principle 9- Daily BALM - Frumma Gottlieb - May 13 2020 - BALM Coach shares her spiritual journey

    • Principle 9 - Daily BALM - Lori Bolen , Bev Buncher - Aug 12 2020

    • Principle 9 - Daily BALM - Tim Ringgold - Nov 18 2020 - Tim Ringgold shares his story of recovery and his musical approach to recovery

    • Principle 9 - Daily BALM - Dave Poter - Mar 10 2021 - MBSR - Mindfulness, meditation, thoughts, mindfulness based stress reduction

    • Principle 9 - Daily BALM - Elizabeth 'Beth' Gross - Jun 16 2021 - Spiritual journey through 12 steps, BALM and recovery dharma. BALM Coach Beth Gross shares her journey, explains the value meditation has in her life, explains the recovery dharma recovery

    • Principle 9 - Daily BALM - John and Ming Sanders - Sep 22 2021 - The value of the 7 Steps Retreat - How the 7 Steps Retreat differs from the weekly class - how an interventionist differs from a coach - the value of having a coach

    • Principle 9 - Daily BALM - Cindy Finch - Jan 5 2022 - Grief support, self-care, family recovery, Family Interventions

    • Principle 9 - Daily BALM - Susan Dubois - Apr 27 2022 - meditation - mindfulness - body scan - prayer - praying on Scripture verses - religion - spirituality

    • Principle 9 - Daily BALM - Monique Walker - Nov 9 2022

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Tom Barila - Principle 9 - Mar 1 2023 - Pre-Marriage coaching. Marriage coaching. Infidelity. Healing triangle. Spirituality and coaching.

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Tom Bannard - Principle 9 - May 24 2023

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Joseph LoBrutto - Principle 9 - Aug 16 2023 - Spiritual Healing Medium share his approach to helping families

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Jordana Bernstein - Principle 9 - Nov 7 2023 - Practicing BALM in a war zone

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    Principle 10 - Lesson and Links

    • Principle 10 Course Materials

    • BALM 12 Principles Lesson - Principle 10

    • Befriend Yourself

    • Artist's Dates

    • Morning Pages

    • Talk To Your Parts

    • Find Your Strengths

    • Fulfill Your Needs

    • Be Your Own Best Friend

    • First Aid Stress Tool (FAST)

  • 23

    Principle 10 - Interviews

    • The Power Of Gratitude In Recovery - Mark Scannell

    • Eating Disorders And How Families Can Help A Loved One - Dr. Nardozzi

    • How Direct Inquiry Can Help You Heal your Relationship with Yourself - Scott Kiloby, author of Natural Rest from Addiction

    • Health, Body Image, and Weight-loss - Jill Prevas

    • The Spiritual Rather Than Religious Approach Of The 12 Step Rooms - Jim Graham

    • Importance of patience, gentleness and support - Amy Hughey

    • Detailed Story Of His Journey Through Addiction And Recovery - Jake Jansen

    • Participants Share The Ways In Which They Are Working To Heal Their Relationship With Self - Discussion - Beverly Buncher

    • How Massage Can Enhance Family Recovery - Amy Miller

    • How Financial Coaching Can Help Families and Loved Ones Devastated by Addiction - Jackie Stein

    • Using Parts Work To Address Letting Go Of The Past - Beth Gross & Andrea Young

    • Letting Go of Resentment - Stacey Karchner

    • Fast Track Workbook Pages - Discussion (10/23/17)

    • Shares Her Story As A Family Member Dealing With Multiple Family Addictions - Lucy Tomkins

    • Science Based Knowledge about Adolescent Brain Development - Denny Coates

    • Deep Look At Misery And Patterns Of Pain And How We Deal With Them - Chris Prevas

    • Demonstration of Byron Katie’s "The Work" - JoAnne Richards

    • Healing The Relationship With Yourself - Jackie Stein

    • Principle 10 (10/15/18) - Michael King - Leadership in recovery - person in longterm recovery shares his story

    • How The BALM Has Helped Deepen Recovery And Find Your Center - Tracy Ward

    • Principle 10 (3/27/19) - Mike Panus - Accident while under the incident killed his friend - person in longterm recovery shares

    • Principle 10 (7/17/19) - Michael Wilson - Interventionist shares his view of family recovery

    • Mindfulness as a Path to Healing Your Relationship with Yourself - David Potter

    • Principle 10 - Daily BALM - Julie Potiker - Feb 12 2020 - Compassionate Mindfulness teacher shares her understanding of mindfulness

    • Principle 10 - Daily BALM - Lauren McLaughlin - May 20 2020 - Person in recovery shares her story of leaving AA in her longterm recovery

    • Principle 10 - Daily BALM - Bev and Michael DeForbes - Aug 18 2020

    • Principle 10 - Daily BALM - Michael King - Dec 2 2020 - Personal story of recovery, serving prison time, Leadership Training for Recovery

    • Principle 10 - Daily BALM - Elizabeth Gross - Mar 17 2021 - NAMI - National Association for Mental Illness - emotional health - parenting a person with co-occurring disorders

    • Principle 10 - Daily Balm - Dr. Michael Sprintz - Jun 23 2021 - Pain Management and SUD expert shares his expertise. Topics: pain vs drug seeking, MAT, opioids and pain management, alternative methods of pain management, stem cell therapy, EMDR, Trauma, f

    • Principle 10 - Daily BALM - Lori Jean Glass - Sep 28 2021 - Attachment - It's impact on growth and development; addiction and attachment; adolescence and attachment; diagnosis of attachment disorder.

    • Principle 10 - Daily BALM - Donna Zajonc - Jan 12 2022 - The Empowerment Dynamic (TED) - The 3 Vital Questions

    • Principle 10 - Daily BALM - Judy Wein - May 4 2022

    • Principle 10 - Daily BALM - Erin Beattie - Aug 10 2022 - healing for both parents and adolescents struggling to connect with themselves and each other.

    • Principle 10 - Daily BALM - Don Lipstein and Kathy Tracy - Nov 30 2022 - Grief recovery; 12 balm principles of grief recovery; Self care; Principle 10; Overdose

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Lynn Wadsworth - Principle 10 - Mar 8 2023 - Actions are not a behavior problem - learn more about the role of the nervous system and how it impacts you and your relationships

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Katie Lain - Principle 10 - Aug 23 2023 - Katie Lain - alcohol reduction and extinction through the Sinclair method

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Dr. Melissa Carrick - Principle 10 - Feb 7 2024 - Alternative Therapies for families and loved ones. Chiropractic. Acupuncture. Chinese Medicine. Neuroemotional Technique (NET). Brain Research: - One Research Foundation

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Jill Prevas - Principle 10 - May 1 2024 - Heal your relationship with yourself

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    Principle 11 - Lesson and Links

    • Princple 11 Course Materials

    • BALM 12 Principles Lesson - Principle 11

    • Introduction

    • What's Important to Know

    • You Are Separate Yet Intimately Connected

    • Your Actions and Reactions Have an Impact

    • It Takes Only One Person to Heal a Relationship

    • Respond Rather Than React

    • Clean Your Side of the Street

    • You Can Have a Relationship with Your Loved One Whether or Not They Are in Recovery

    • Forgiveness

    • Making Amends

    • Effective Relationship Healing

    • Practicing BALM Leads to Clarity

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    Principle 11 - Interviews

    • Marriage Through the Ups and Downs of Addiction - Beverly and Alan Buncher

    • Principle 11 Forgiveness - Frumma Rosenberg

    • Principle 11 Guided Meditation - Frumma Rosenberg

    • Shares His Story of Recovery of 11 years - Edgar Greenhauf

    • Heal Your Relationships with Others - Beverly Buncher Discussion

    • Healing Relationships with others - Forgiveness - Beverly Buncher Discussion

    • A BALM Coach Shares how the BALM Helped Him Heal His Relationships with Others - Jeff Spikes

    • A BALM Coach in longterm recovery shares how her relationships have evolved through her involvement with BALM - Jean Harper

    • Principle 11 (11/15/17) - Chana Klein - Medical Intuitive shares her story

    • Discussion: Fast Track Workbook - Beverly Buncher Discussion

    • Misery Index Part 2 - Chris Prevas

    • A BALM Sister Discusses How Her Brother's Struggles Led her deeper into her own BALM Recovery - Carolena Herz

    • Recovery From Gambling Use Disorder for a BALM Loved One - John DePasquale

    • After 18 years in NA, the BALM Helped this BALM Coach Heal Her Relationships with Others - Lisa McDonald

    • How the BALM's Approach to Love Restored the Relationships in Our Family - Lori Bolen

    • Principle 11 - Daily BALM - Julie Potiker - Feb 19 2020 - Mindful Compassion

    • Principle 11 - Daily BALM - Deb Lewin - Feb 26 2020 - Narcan Training

    • Principle 11 - Daily BALM - Liz McGough - Jun 3 2020

    • Principle 11 - Daily BALM - Lisa McDonald - Aug 26 2020

    • Principle 11 - Daily BALM - Hilarie Cash - Dec 9 2020 - Gaming Addiction

    • Principle 11 - Daily BALM - Bev Buncher - Mar 24 2021

    • Principle 11 - Daily BALM - Robin Lovell - Jun 30 2021 - Clinical explanations of addiction; family's role; cannabis induced psychosis

    • Principle 11 - Daily BALM - Jen Fisher and Lisa McDonald - Oct 6 2021

    • Principle 11 - Daily BALM - Jim Graham - Jan 26 2022 - Healing Relationships With Others - Creating A Recovery Oriented Environment At Home - Intentional And Purposeful Rebuilding Of Family - Communicate Clearly, De-Escalate Conflict

    • Principle 11 - Daily BALM - Shari Berman Dicker - May 11 2022 - medical cannibus, 3 uses, cannibus impact on persons with SUD and mental health challenges, THC vs CBD, levels of THC

    • Principle 11 - Daily BALM - Anthony Carmack - Aug 17 2022

    • Principle 11 - Daily BALM - Karen Dierkens - Dec 7 2022 - Healing your relationships, Mindfulness, BALM peace, Family healing, Relationships

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Jen Fisher - Principle 11 - Mar 15 2023 - In this deep dive into Principle 11, BALM Coach Jen Fisher shares her experience and understanding about healing relationships through Principle 11.

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Tom Barila- Principle 11 - Jun 7 2023 - Applying leverage and boundaries to an adult committed relationship; Dealing w expectations

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Anthony Eldridge-Rogers - Principle 11 - Aug 23 2023 - Relationships with people in early recovery.

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    Principle 12 - Lesson and Links

    • Princple 12 Course Materials

    • BALM 12 Principles Lesson - Principle 12

    • Introduction

    • 3 Parts to BALM - Be Loving Mirror

    • Why It Is Important to B.A.L.M.?

    • Impact of BALM on the Family

    • Other Impacts of BALM

    • Does BALMing Guarantee a Loved One's Recovery

    • How to Be a Loving Mirror?

    • BALMing Increases Inner Clarity

    • So Be A Loving Mirror

  • 27

    Principle 12 - Interviews

    • History & Method of the BALM - Lisa Costa Interviews Beverly Buncher

    • A BALM Dad Shares How the BALM Helped Him Encourage His Daughter in Her Recovery and Brought the Family Together - Ramon Riancho

    • A BALM Mom Shares How Her BALM Journey Helped Her Help Her Daughter Embrace Recovery from a Longstanding Heroin Addiction - Cindee de Pasquale

    • Shares Her Story Of Being A Parent To A Heroin Addict - Laura A.

    • A BALM Mom Led the Way to Family Recovery and shared her BALM Story - Leslie Harris

    • Recovering Family Member tells her co-addiction and recovery story - Kat Magnoli

    • Members Share Their BALM stories - Discussion

    • A BALM Mom/BALM Coach Discussed How BALM Education and Coaching Completely Transformed Her and Her Family's View of Recovery and Relationship with their Son - Marissa Arber

    • How The BALM Helped Betty Find Her Own Recovery - Betty Kreder

    • Support for the Holidays Part 1 - Discussion Bev Buncher

    • Support for the Holidays Part 2 - Discussion Bev Buncher

    • How Family Recovery “Lifted Her Bottom” & Strengthened Her Family Relationships - Caroline Prevas

    • Support for the Holidays Part 3 - Discussion Bev Buncher

    • How BALM Can Help Through The Holidays - Jim Graham

    • Trauma & the Mind/Body Connection - Celeste Mendelsohn

    • Unexpected Gifts of the BALM - Lynn Mackin

    • After Years of Listening to Free BALM Calls, This BALM Life Partner Joined the Community and Got a Coach and Became Her Loved One's Best Chance - Terri Snyder

    • A BALM Mom Shared Her Journey to Helping Her Son Face His Use Disorder - Diann C.

    • Shares Her Story on How the BALM Helped Her - Liselle Hill

    • 7-31-2019 - Michele Applegate - Parent shares her BALM Recovery story

    • 11-6-2019 - Marlene Boryszewski - Mom/Balm Coach/Pastor shares her balm recovery story

    • Principle 12 - Daily BALM - Stefanie Weir - Mar 4 2020 - Mom/BALM facilitator shares her balm recovery story

    • Principle 12 - Daily BALM - Catherine Mueller - Jun 10 2020 - Physician shares her story of how BALM helped her disengage from an abusive partner

    • Principle 12 - Daily BALM - Andrea Young - Sep 2 2020 - BALM Coach/mom of daughter in prison due to SUD shares her BALM recovery story

    • Principle 12 - Daily BALM - Harriette Rovner - Dec 16 2020 - Therapist/mom of struggling adult children shares her BALM Recovery story

    • Principle 12 - Daily BALM - Mary DeMarco - Apr 14 2021

    • Principle 12 - Daily BALM - Andrea Young and Alaina Hewitt - Jul 7 2021 -From denial, enabling, & shame to acceptance & unconditional love. From addiction, homelessness, & prison to sobriety & healed relationships.

    • Principle 12 - Daily BALM - Marlene Boryszewski and Julian Boryszewski- Jul 7 2021 - BALM Coach Marlene Boryszewski and her husband Julian. Communication; power of one; connection; transformation; impact of the BALM on marriage; using the BALM in other si

    • Principle 12 - Daily BALM - Marlene and Matthew Boryszewski - Oct 13 2021 - mother/son recovery. non-12 step. balm conversation. religion and BALM. loving intervention. Jesus.

    • Principle 12 - Daily BALM - John and Lisa Tucker - Feb 2 2022 - BALM parents share the power of being the peace and love on the road to a loved one's recovery

    • Principle 12 - Daily BALM - Rebecca and Joe Masinter - May 18 2022 - balm family, interventionist, case manager, treatment referral service, peace, balm journey, impact of balm on family

    • Principle 12 - Daily BALM - Pam Tyler - Aug 24 2022 - How the BALM helped me, our teen son and our entire family.

    • Principle 12 - Daily BALM - Jordana Bernstein - Dec 14 2022 - Balm mom shares her balm story and how BALM is helping her her help her son

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Bevin Stepp - Principle 12 - Mar 22 2023 - Treatment Center Outreach Professional shares her experience of working with BALM families of loved ones entering treatment and with those not in the BALM.

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Theresa Davis Shea- Principle 12 - Jun 14 2023 - How BALM helps families recover from sex and porn addiction

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Dr. Miguel Sanchez - Principle 12 - Sep 6 2023 - How BALM helps me help my adult child, brings peace into my life and improves all of my relationships and interests, including my golf game.

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Chris Gota - Principle 12 - Nov 29 2023

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Jon Waite and Dr. Kimberly Waite - Principle 12 - Aug 7 2024 - A BALM Family shares their story. Parents and recovering son all speak

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    Special Events - IOAD (International Overdose Awareness Day)

    • International Overdose Awareness Day - FULL Video - Aug 31 2022

    • International Overdose Awareness Day - Lori Bolen Presentation - Aug 31 2022

    • International Overdose Awareness Day - Megan Bolen - Aug 31 2022

    • International Overdose Awareness Day - Lisa McDonald - Aug 31 2022

    • 2nd Annual International Overdose Awareness Day 2021 - Part 1 - Bev Buncher and Mike DeForbes - Hosted by Marissa Arber

    • 2nd Annual International Overdose Awareness Day 2021 - Part 2 - Lori Bolen

    • 2nd Annual International Overdose Awareness Day 2021 - Part 3 - Kathy Tracy

    • 1st Annual International Overdose Awareness Day - Aug 31 2020 - Bev Interviews Dr. Basia Andraka Christou

    • 1st Annual International Overdose Awareness Day - Aug 31 2020 Deb Lewin

    • 1st Annual International Overdose Awareness Day - Aug 31 2020 - Joan and Rose

    • 1st Annual International Overdose Awareness Day - August 31 2020 - Bill Guy

    • 1st Annual International Overdose Awareness Day - Aug 31 2020 - Lori Bolen

    • Daily BALM - Barbara Basia Andraka-Christou - IOAD Awareness Event - Sep 30 2020

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    Special Events - Other

    • Q A with Beverly Buncher on Family Recovery Topics - Sep 9 2020_v2

    • BALM® Online Retreat - Bev Interviewing Ellen VanDerBosh about the non-profit Textwich - Oct 9 2021

    • Panel Discussion - Renewing Family Love and Connection the Balm Way- Feb. 22 2022

    • Creating a Recovery-Oriented Environment in Your Family and Community - May 10 2022

    • What is Family Recovery Life Coaching? - May 17 2022

    • BALM 12 Principles Interview - Michael DeForbes - SPECIAL LIVE CALL - Jul 3 2024

    • 5th International Overdose Awareness Day - Aug 28 2024